Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I’ve had such great feedback from all my blog readers!

People that I never imagined would even be interested in reading have text, called, emailed, commented, FB-ed me about the posts that have inspired them. I am so grateful for each one of you that have found my blog inspiring and entertaining. It means A LOT to me!

Not too long ago, I read a book that had their definition of blogging. It was defined as personal websites written by somebody who is passionate about a topic, provide a means to share that passion with the world and to foster an active community of readers who provide comments on the writer's posts.

Besides really liking the definition,I also thought of several of my friends who have a blog. Here are few :

* http://chantelortiz.com/

Not all of them blog w/ a specific aim or topic, but many do, and I like that. Which is why I have decided to transition my Pieces of Me blog, to a blog w/ a more specific subject .
I have many passions, but ever since I was a teenager, I loved writing about one topic. I enjoy it so much I’ve even created theories of my own haha.
For now, I will not say more. And for those who know me well,you probably already know so just keep it to yourself so I can think of a new name for my upcoming blog ;)

The plans for these next coming weeks are to blog often about pieces of me. This way I can share a little bit more about my experiences and end it well to transition next year to my new blog.

Thanks again for all your positive feedback. I really hope you continue to read my blog posts. Although, I want to be less general and more concrete, I still plan on writing about my crazy experiences and life lessons. God willing, I’ll be spending New Years Eve in Chicago with the cold of the Midwest! Gerson and I have never experienced weather below 5°F so if we do, there’s no way I’ll skip blogging about that! ;)