Sunday, October 16, 2011

4 Days - Opportunity

I am happy to say that in 4 days I will reunite with my handsome husband.

I really can not believe how fast time has flown. When he left I thought a month would be an eternity but I have learned a lot during our time apart.

The day he was accepted to do this away rotation we saw it as an opportunity. Mainly an opportunity for Gerson and his career. But I have also seen this as an opportunity for me. I have never lived on my own, so it's been kind of cool to have the apartment all to myself. I've also been able to not worry about cooking. I go to the gym late cause there's no one expecting me at home. I don't have to go to sleep early or even struggle w/ going to sleep due to his snoring. I pretty much feel like a single woman living on her own w/ the exception that I'm actually not single, but madly in love w/ my husband!

But what I've enjoyed the most is that I've been waking up early to spend time praying. Maybe I needed this opportunity to realize that I CAN wake up early to dedicate some time for just me and God. Thanks to Him, I have not felt alone or lonely. He's reassured me that He's in me, therefore I'm never alone.

It's been a crazy month, w/ it's ups and downs, but I remain grateful for this opportunity. Opportunities happen for a reason and we grow through them.

I am so ready to see my boo!!!!!! Let the countdown begin!


Anonymous said...

love this :)

Adri said...

Thanks Griselda! :)