I was thinking the other day, that I'm kind of a collector.
I tend to collect many things, sometimes unintentionally. I kind of feel bad for Gerson because he has to help me complete my collections.
I haven't bought one in a while, but I collect denim jackets. It's not even considered a fashionable item, but I love having different styles. I have dark, light, washed, striped, ripped, cropped. They're fun and you can wear them all year long!
I guess you can also say I collect shoes. I own probably 100 pairs, so that's a collection right? I was looking at my shoe boxes the other day, and there are many shoes that I don't and probably won't wear anymore. Hopefully these next months I can get rid of some.
Because Gerson and I love to travel, we collect things from the places we visit. We have magnets from all the cities we have visited. We also buy mini-snowglobes. But the last time we moved apartments we accidentally packed and put them in storage. Hopefully they're safe. And we also collect the Starbucks city mugs from each place (that has a Starbucks)... Which was the majority, but we never saw one in Croatia.
Something that I also buy when I'm in a different city or country, are earrings. If I can afford to buy me several I will, but if not, I'll buy me a pair from each city.
The last thing I could say I collect but don't have too many of are signs. Hopefully, I can fill my home with lots of signs one day.
Is there anything you collect? Or would like to begin collecting? Is there something you collect unintentionally? Tell me about it, I would love to know a little piece of you! :)
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