Last week, one morning, I woke up feeling extremely pessimistic. I no longer wanted to be the bread-winner of our household. I didn't feel like looking for a second job plus still have to cook, do laundry, work-out, and write (for my current job). My exact thought was "I did not sign up for this!"
My husband began his 3rd year of medical school a couple months ago. Third year is all about completing rotations at the hospital. For example, the next 5 weeks, he will be in the OBGYN field, which means his schedule begins at 4am til' 7-8pm, sometimes 10pm. Therefore, Gerson can't have a full-time job while he's in school. He sells 'stuff' on Ebay and does photography on the side, but it's not the same as having a full-time job. Money is not my main concern, but the time we spend with each other matters too. Gerson and I are very aware of our schedules, thus, we value very much the time we do get together. It's worth gold.
Well, that morning, I did not want to have this load of responsibilities on my shoulders. The good thing is that Gerson leaves way before I wake up so there was no way I could have vent with him (that only makes things worst). But what I really wanted was to wake up to my husband being the main household provider,so that I could do the things I enjoyed without any stress, and also of course have Gerson arrive around 6pm so we could actually sit and enjoy a dinner together like most families. Does that sound like too much to ask for? Maybe so, cause the truth of the matter is that those wants are far from me right now.
I have my days just like any other wife. We all 'wish' many things. I'm sure many housewives sometimes wish they had a job, or some free time from their children and some working wives dream of being able to stay home with their children and have the cleaning and cooking perfectly done for their husbands . I believe we all have our days!
The good thing is that my pessimism didn't go too far that morning. I decided to read my daily Proverb before starting the day that I was so not looking forward to and Proverbs 19 told me exactly this :
vs 8 Grow a wise heart—you'll do yourself a favor;
keep a clear head—you'll find a good life.
vs 13 ...a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.
vs 14 House and land are handed down from parents,
but a congenial spouse comes straight from God.
vs 15 Laziness brings on deep sleep,
and the shiftless man goes hungry.
vs 21 We humans keep brainstorming options and plans,
but God's purpose prevails.
These proverbs made my day so much better... you have no idea!
I know that I must be wise in situations such as the one I had last week. I have an AMAZING husband, who loves me and does so much for me. The last thing he needs is a nagging (quarrelsome) wife, after a long, tiring day. The Word of God says that we (wives) come straight from Him. We're God's gift to our husbands.
Whether we're wives that have jobs or stay home, we should constantly be proactive and productive. Laziness gets us absolutely no where. There's actually another Proverb that says Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you will have food to spare. God knows our hearts. When we do our part, God does His. Our husbands, children, and complete lives are in His hands. His purpose always prevails!
Yes, we all definitely have our days, I know I do! But God just gives us quick reality checks and reminds us these aren't "real" problems, we're beyond blessed! It's funny that you mention whether we're a stay at home wife or we have a job we must be remain proactive and productive because laziness gets us no where. Well, I've been sooooo lazy lately. I was having lunch with laura and I told her that I was being so lazy lately and she asked how so? and I told her, I don't want to cook, I don't clean, I don't wake up early to make lalos breakfast or lunch, I've just been a bum. But you're right, it doesn't matter if I'm working over 40 hrs a week I still NEED to do my part. Thank you for giving me that push I needed ;)
Exactly Ari, we're beyond blessed! Sometimes we just need to snap out of it and count our blessings. :)
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